This magazine is a space for reflection, offered to the entire academic community and revealing, in a very particular way, the research carried out at the Universidade Aberta.
Revista Europa
Revista Europa, Journal of European Studies
ISSN 2184-755X
International Journal
of Transdicsciplinary Studies
in Arts, Technonolgy and Society
Art(e)fact(o) is a periodic of transdisciplinary studies around the concept that gives it the name: Artefacto. It aims to give visibility to all artifact creators or interveners, from a humanistic and holistic perspective of integration. The main objective being the construction and dissemination of knowledge. Descriptions of artistic practices, authorship or co-authorship (narrations of other works), with graphic records (such as images, diagrams, links to dynamic images, drawings, sketches, etc.) are valued. An international publication open to all involved in the creation / visualization / interaction of an artifact.
Revista de Ciências da Computação
Ciências da Computação é a revista científica da Universidade Aberta, com âmbito multidisciplinar, intervindo em áreas como: (i) Arquitetura e Redes de Computadores, (ii) Engenharia de Software, (iii) Sistemas de Informação, (iv) Inteligência Artificial e Interação.